口蓋裂の実験的発生(第2報) : Congo RedとEvans Blueによる
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The experiments had been performed since the authors previous report, to study the relation between the intrauterine environment and the development of cleft palate and other malformations. Congo red was injected to female mice subcutaneously on the 8th and 9th day of pregnancy or Evans blue on the 8th day of pregnancy.The embryos were examined on the 18th day of pregnancy.The results obtained were as follows:(1) In the group, in which 0.2cc of 5% Congo red solution was injected, one case of cleft palate and one case of encephalocele were seen.(2) In the group, in which 0.2cc of 5% Evans blue solution was administered, all the embryos had been dead and absorbed.(3) In the group, in which 0.1cc of 1% Evans blue solution was injected, no cleft palates and no other malformations were seen and 77.9% of the embryos had been dead and absorbed.(4) In the group, in which 0.1cc of 0.5% Evans blue solution was injected, also no malformations were seen and, 75.3% of the embryos had been dead and absorbed. The mean weight of the living embryos decreased significantly.(5) In the control group, in which physiological solution. was given, no malformations were abserved.(6) As a result of this experiment, Congo red was found to have teratogenic activity. Evans blue produced no malformations, but killed many embryos and decreased the weight of the living embryos.
- 社団法人 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会の論文
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