炎症性腸疾患患者における Quality of Life の評価
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We have developed a new method to measure quality of life (QOL) for patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Following a preliminary questionnaire containing 50 questions in 21 IBD patients, a self-administered form of questionnaired was developed. This form contained 220 questions covering various dimensions such as symptoms, home life, economic anxiety, social impairment, emotional function and face scale, with which QOL was evaluated in 51 ulcerative colitis (UC) patients and 42 Crohn's disease (CD) patients. Both of UC and CD patients in active stage had significantly worse scores in each dimension than those in remission. Furthermore, in remission, CD patients tended to show worse profiles. than UC patients in appetite, mood, anxiety for work or house affairs, and economic anxiety. The QOL score showed a negative correlation with the State-Trait anxiety Inventory and Self-Rating Depression Scale..<BR>We conclude that the evaluation of QOL offers important information in the treatment of IBD patients.
- 日本大腸肛門病学会の論文
森瀬 公友
金山 和広
山口 丈夫
名古屋大学 第1内科
楠神 和男
名古屋大学 第1内科
森瀬 公友
岩瀬 弘明
黒岩 厚夫
堀内 洋
古沢 敦
堀内 洋
古沢 敦
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