- 論文の詳細を見る
For the past 4-1/2 years, gastric ulcers were diagnosed in 168 patients at emergency endoscopy performed on total 418 patients with upper GI bleeding. Among them, 128 patients rescued by medical treatment alone were followed up.Healing rate at 3 months was 76.6%, which is compatible with other reports. Among 86 patients followed up for 1 to 4 years, 23 recurrences were observed in 19 patients, of whom 10 had rebleeding. Bleeding incidence in recurrent ulcer was as high as 43.5%. In 10 patients followed up for 4 years, ulcer recurred in 6, of whom 5 had rebleeding.Patients with bleeding gastric ulcer, therefore, should be observed carefully as long as possible.
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