A study on nutritional therapy for the patients with intestinal Behcet.
- 論文の詳細を見る
We studied on the efficiency of nutritional therapy (IVH and/or ED therapy) for the 12 cases of Intestinal Behcet. Clinical Classification of the materials were complate type (4 cases), incomplate type (5 cases), and suspicious type (3 cases). Affected sites were ileum in 8, ileocecal region in 2, and colon in 3 cases. The effect of the nutritional therapy was also compared to those of usual diet group. The results were as follows : <BR>1) In nutritional therapy group, intestinal ulcers disappeared in 4 cases (50%) and reduced in size in 2 cases (25%). In usual diet group, intestinal ulcers improved only 1 case (25%). <BR>2) Improvements of inframmatory reactions in nutritional therapy group were more better than that in usual diet group. <BR>It was concluded that nutritional therapy was useful therapeutic method for Intestinal Behcet.
- 日本大腸肛門病学会の論文
五十嵐 正広
勝又 伴栄
北里大学東病院 消化器内科
瀬川 謙一
同 病理
岡部 治弥
山本 佳正
小林 清典
北里大学東病院 消化器内科
小林 清典
菊池 芳春
鈴木 裕
中 英男
同 病理
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