副腎摘出Ratにおける肝臓Glycogen量,血糖量の変動について : ―特にFormalin,Cortisone,ACTHの効果―
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Recently writers in laboratory have shown that certain adaptation syndrome induced from formalin treatment disappeared almost with MAOI 5HTP or ACTH.<BR> Such effect of ACTH may be played in the relation with cortisone, while the effects of MAOI or 5HTP are considered into the category of central action.<BR> Therefore first aim of present study was undertaken to determine whether adrenalectomized rats are resistible against formalin stress.<BR> Furthermore second and third aim of present study were carried out to find in adrenalectomized rats whether adaptation syndrome reappears with administration of cortisone and whether extra-adrenal action is drawn out with administration of ACTH.<BR> Liver glycogen and blood glucose were determined as the chemical parameter of adaptation syndrome.<BR> The results were as the following.<BR> 1) Liver glycogen of rats was decreased with adrenalactomy. The result suggests that glucocorticoidal action does not be bronght in adrenalectomized rats and therefore effects of the hypoglycogenesis are due to the exhaustion.<BR> 2) Liver glycogen was increased with each successive injections of formalin, cortisone or ACTH. These results suggest that stress is induced with independent administration of formalin, cortisone or ACTH.<BR> 3) Liver glycogen was decreased signifficantly with successive treatment of formalin in adrenalectomized rats. Such effects of formalin on the hypoglycogenesis of rats induced in adrenalectomy displays exhaustion; in fact rats were not able to respond to an additional stimilus.<BR> 4) Chronic administration of cortisone or ACTH did not bring remarkable alterations of liver glycogen in the adrenalectomized compared with intact rats. These results suggest that exogenous cortisone and ACTH induced glucocorticoidal action and such extra-adrenal action as related to sextual organs or hyperactivity of adipose tissue glycogen deposition.<BR> 5) Blood glucose of the adrenalectomized rat did not be affected under the condition used in present experiment.
- 社団法人 日本薬理学会の論文
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