Fertilizing Effect of Ammonium Salt and Nitrate on the Tea Plant
- 論文の詳細を見る
The fertilizing effect of nitrogenous fertilizer on the tea plant was tested between ammonium salt and nitrate by pot culture (1/5000 a. Wagner pot) with "Kuroboku" soil from Sept. 1960 to Aug. 1962. The results were summarized as follows :<BR>1.It was observed that the growth of the tea plant in the standard plot (2 g. of N) fed with ammonium salt was largest than that of the other plots.<BR>The growth of the tea plants of N-deficient plots was inferior to that of the other plots. In any source of nitrogen, the tea plants died when fivehold amount of standard nitrogen level was supplied.<BR>2. Chlorophyll content of the tea leaves in N-deficient plot was remarkably decreased. It was increased with the supply of nitrogen In the nitrate plots, but not in the ammonium plots.<BR>3. Tannin content of the tea leaves was increased with the supply of nitrogen in ammonium plots, but it was not different in the nitrate plots. This different trend was considered to be caused by the different maturity of the tea leaves.<BR>4. Total nitrogen content of the tea leaves was incresed with the supply of nitrogen in any source of nitrogen.<BR>There was a general tendency that the increasing rates of total nitrogen and nitrogenous compounds in the ammonium plot were higher than those in the nitrate plot.<BR>P<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>5</SUB> content of every part of the tea plantt in 2.5 times dressing plots of ammonium series was remarkably decreased.<BR>Furthermore, except the case of 2.5 times dressing plot of ammonium serie, it was observed that K<SUB>2</SUB>O content of every part of the tea plant was decreased by supplying nitrogen, especially, this tendency was remark-able in the nitrate plots.<BR>6. The soil of . ammonium plots showed lower pH value, higher exchangeable acidity (y1) and less exchangeable calcium content than that of nitrate plots with the supply of nitrogen.<BR>7. Generally, it was considered that the growth of tea plant and the absorption. of nitrogen in the ammonium plots were better than. those in the nitrate plots.
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