Resveratrol Improves Hippocampal Atrophy in Chronic Fatigue Mice by Enhancing Neurogenesis and Inhibiting Apoptosis of Granular Cells
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Neuroimaging evidence showed structural and/or functional abnormalities existing in the central nervous system, especially the hippocampus, in chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) patients. However, its pathophysiologic mechanisms are unclear in part due to the lack of an applicable animal model. We established a chronic fatigue murine model by six repeated injections of Brucella abortus antigen to mice, which was manifested as reduced daily running activity and hippocampal atrophy. Thereafter, resveratrol, a polyphenolic activator of sirtuin 1, was used for treatment in this model. Daily running activity was increased by more than 20%, and the hippocampus was enlarged after 4-week resveratrol therapy. Furthermore, resveratrol inhibited neuronal apoptosis and expression of hippocampal acetylated p53 in the fatigue mice. Resveratrol also improved neurogenesis and expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor mRNA in the hippocamous. We concluded that repeated injection of B. abortus antigen could induce hypoactivity and hippocampal atrophy in mice. Resveratrol may be effective for improving fatigue symptoms and enlarging the atrophic hippocampus by repressing apoptosis and promoting neurogenesis.
- 日本薬学会の論文
Department of General Medicine, Kanazawa Medical University
Division of Core Facility of Medical Research Institute, Kanazawa Medical University
Department of General Medicine, Kanazawa Medical University
Department of Pharmacognosy, Tohoku Pharmaceutical University
Chen Rui
Department of Pediatrics, Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University
守屋 純二
金沢医科大学 総合内科学
Moriya Junji
Department Of General Medicine Kanazawa Medical University
Moriya Junji
Department Of Cardiovascular Medicine National Cardiovascular Center
Ishigaki Yasuhito
Division Of Core Facility Medical Research Institute Kanazawa Medical University
Yamakawa Jun-ichi
Department Of General Medicine Kanazawa Medical University:department Of Pharmacognosy Tohoku Pharma
Chen Rui
Department Of Aeronautical And Automotive Engineering Loughborough University
Laboratory of Ultrastructure Research, Aichi Cancer Center Research Institute
Sasaki Kenroh
Department Of Pharmacognosy Tohoku Pharmaceutical University
Takahashi Takashi
Laboratories Of Infectious Diseases Graduate School Of Infection Control Sciences Kitasato Universit
Laboratory of Infectious Diseases, Graduate School of Infection Control Sciences, Kitasato University
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