対人情報入力時の気分が対人認知に及ぼす影響 : 入力時間に制限を与えた場合の検討
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This study investigated the impacts of limited time in inputting information on mood congruent recall and impression formation. Prior to the experiment, happy, neutral or sad moods were induced. Participants (N=72) were then presented with a description of behaviors of a target person with or without a time constraint, and asked to give impression and answer recall test. The results showed relative mood congruent recall regardless of time constraint. For impression formation, a negative impression was formed under time constraint. The effect of mood, on the other hand was observed under no time constraint condition, especially a more positive impression was formed in positive mood relative to neutral or sad moods. It would appear that there were differences in on-line judgment between time constraint and no time constraint because different impression ratings were seen at the end of experiment in positive mood, regardless of being equal recall ratio on positive and negative items between time conditions.
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