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論文This study compared the condition of heartwood and the growth patterns of Betula maximowicziana established in a post-fire secondary forest with those in a natural forest in central Hokkaido. We collected butt end disks from 85 individuals established after a forest fire in 1911 and eight individuals from a commercially operated natural forest. We found significant variation in the area of heartwood and total area of the disks among the secondary-forest individuals. The area of heartwood and total area of the disks from secondary-forest individuals were smaller than those of disks obtained from the natural forest. The reddish color of the heartwood in disks obtained from the secondary forest was weaker than that in disks from the natural forest. The secondary growth patterns estimated using the von Bertalanffy equation differed between the secondary and natural forests. However, several individuals from the secondary forest had growth patterns similar to those of individuals from natural forest. In summary, the heartwood conditions differed in disks from secondary and natural forests. We believe that the individuals from the secondary forest with similar growth patterns to individuals from the natural forest will have similar heartwood.
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