Development and testing of nursing intervention model to promote prevention of dehydration in elderly cardiac surgery patients
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The purpose of this study was to develop and test a nursing intervention model for promoting the prevention of dehydration in elderly patients who have undergone cardiac surgeries. The study was conducted using a case study method with due ethical considerations by obtaining approval from the institutional review boards at the centers participating in the study. A nursing intervention model was developed based on the literature and researchers' nursing intervention for elderly patients who underwent cardiac surgery. The goal of intervention was that these patients can understand the necessity of preventing dehydration, take actions to prevent it, and be aware of any abnormalities such as dehydration and heart failure. The timing of intervention was prior to hospital discharge and at the first visit to an outpatient department. The intervention focused on the abilities of these patients to: 1) understand the necessity of preventing dehydration, 2) drink more than 1,000 ml of water per day, and 3) identify any abnormalities related to the symptoms of dehydration and cardiac failure. The nursing intervention model was tested by applying it to one male patient in his 70s who underwent coronary artery bypass grafting; this patient achieved the goal of intervention, suggesting the usefulness of the nursing intervention model.本研究の目的は,心臓手術を受けた高齢患者の脱水症予防を促すための看護介入モデルを作成し,検証することである。研究方法は,事例研究とし,倫理的配慮は,研究協力施設の倫理委員会の承認を得て実施した。看護介入モデルは,文献および研究者の心臓手術を受けた高齢患者の看護実践に基づいて作成した。介入の目標は,心臓手術を受けた高齢患者が脱水症予防の必要性を理解し,脱水症予防や脱水症,心不全の異常の発見行動ができるとした。介入の時期は退院前を第1 回目,初回外来受診時を第2 回目とし,介入の焦点は①脱水症予防の必要性を理解することができる② 1000ml/日以上飲水することができる③脱水症,心不全症状の異常の発見ができるとした。看護介入モデルの検証は,作成した看護介入モデルに沿って,冠状動脈バイパス術を受けた70 歳代の男性1 名に適応し,介入の目標を達成することができたことから,看護介入モデルの有用性が示唆された。症例報告Case Reports
- 県立広島大学の論文
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- Development and testing of nursing intervention model to promote prevention of dehydration in elderly cardiac surgery patients
- 外来化学療法を継続する進行肺がん患者の抱える問題