教育協力としての集団研修コースの現状と課題 : フィリピン・パキスタンにおける科学教育を中心として
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This paper analyses the effect of the technical training program "Practice of Science Education", which has been conducted jointly by Hiroshima University and Japan International Cooperation Agency, and discusses effective international cooperation in science education, particularly in the Philippines and Pakistan.All the participants who underwent the training program are currently working in the field of science education in their countries. They are applying the knowledge and skills that they acquired during their training in Japan, leading to upgrading the levels of core human resources in science education. Many secondary schools in the rural areas are, however, face with problems of acute shortages of science facilities, qualified science teachers and funds to purchase science equipment. The outcomes of such a training program could be enhanced if ex-participants, through a resource center, shared their knowledge and skills with other science teachers in their countries. Some of the techniques learned in Japan, such as development of teaching aids using waste materials and improvisation of science equipment using local resources, could improve the teaching of science.To sustain such a training program of technical transfer in science education, the following points should be taken into account: a) to develop instructional materials appropriate for student-centered learning, b) to introduce science classes which enable students to acquire scientific literacy and to make decisions, and c) to establish the science education system which can be shared in any places of the world. In addition, in order to improve instructional contents on comprehensive/integrated topics, environmental education and STS(Science, Technology and Society) education which deal with multisectoral issues should be earmarked as one of the top prior subjects in science education. It is also stressed that the results of such educational cooperation should be shared not only in developing countries but also developed countries like Japan by establishing a network system available in the relevant countries. It is important to continue to play some role in developing and extending the aid and cooperation, noting the significance of the present group training course which has been evaluated by ex-participants and ourselves.
- 広島大学教育開発国際協力研究センターの論文
- 1999-03-01
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