16世紀中葉ロンドンの孤児・貧困児救済 : クライスト・ホスピタル(Christ’s Hospital)初期記録より
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Christ's Hospital was one of the Royal London Hospitals established by London Corporation in 1552 transferred the authority from Henry Ⅷ. In Tudor period (1485—1603), Dissolution, enclosures, and collapse of manors and guilds caused many poor people to move into London. London governors, ministers, merchants, gentlemen and etc. expressed concern over many beggars and vagrants on the street. Royal London Hospitals aimed the relief them for peace and order streets and city of London, St. Thomas Hospital for the sick, St. Barthoromew's Hospital for the sick also, Bridewell Hospital for vagrants and beggars, and Christ's Hospital for healthy children. These were administrated by the public authorities, London Corporation, and were funded by private charity and London city. Private charity is said to appear in 16th century instead of alms and coexistence in middle ages. P. Slack says Royal London Hospitals 'represented the greatest experiment in social welfare in Tudor England'. In historical studies of social welfare, especially child welfare, the relation of Poor Law and private charity at poor relief in England is discussed in these days. This paper focuses manuscripts of admission in early days of Christ' Hospital, and makes clear the network surrounded among the poor children and treatment after relief. Many people aided the relief of poor children, requesting children to administration under Christ's Hospital, nursing them, and/or being masters of them as apprentices. Through this semi-public institution, Christ's Hospital, they relieved the poor children. At the same time their performances were one of the projects that separatedimprisonedisolatedprotectededucated the poor for social safety and order started in the early modern era. The new type of special concern for the poor's life, nutrition, health, and instruction of not only basic knowledge but more advanced knowledge, such as grammars appeared in Christ's Hospital. Parental role of bring up and support children wasn't presupposed in the mid 16th century London. Even relatives were seldom required. Many poor parents would bring up their offspring, but they weren't asked and forced the role of education and support of their children when they couldn't. People with private charitable spirit must have thought that they themselves should relieve the poor children for their parish or city, or must have been compelled to think so. Later period parental role, that is, paternal role of support and maternal role of taking care would be regarded as the 'natural' and have important function in poor relief. As the semi-public and semi-private type of poor relief, especially relief of poor children, Christ's Hospital must be researched more to clear the mechanism and the process of formation the 'modern' habitus for relief, life-protection and education of poor children.
- 2012-03-26
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- 16世紀中葉ロンドンの孤児・貧困児救済 : クライスト・ホスピタル(Christ’s Hospital)初期記録より