19世紀アメリカの「母」言説:不在とその効用 : キャサリン・ビーチャー『母と教育者としての女性の専門職:女性参政権に対する反対意見に添えて』(1872)をめぐって
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Chatharine Esther Beecher was one of most famous women in 19th century America. She made efforts to advance institutions for women's education and wrote many advice books for women. Her major books on housekeeping are said to be the foundation of the modem domestic science. This paper discusses what 'motherhood' is, and how it functions. 'Motherhood' is the most important image in C. Beecher's works. Yet Woman's Profession as Mother and Educator, With Views in opposition to Woman Suffrage, written by her in 1872, is the only book which has the key word 'mother' in the title. C. Beecher says being a 'mother' is the most suitable work for women. She believes women should live in 'women's sphere', as emphasized in 19th century America. This idea is based on Providence in Christianity, and requires women to obey 'the family states'. However, she says almost nothing about the real and practical mothering. 'Motherhood' in her thought acquiring skills as 'mothers', C. Beecher's advice books on housekeeping were textbooks for girl's education and intended to give skills made them to earn for themselves. This image in C. Beecher's thought was the basis for two ways of thinking about 'motherhood' in the late 19th century and 20th century. The first was the 'maternalization' of public affairs. Since the late 19th century, Women have marched into the public arena, especially in the fields of public education and social welfare, in the name of 'motherhood'. The second was 'scientification' and 'professionalization' of 'motherhood'. The advice books to mothers came to be written by doctors and psychologists. These images of 'motherhood', regularized and rationalized, would provide the important idelolgy for thought about not only parent-child relations but also modern systems of 'education'.はじめに I.思想の明快性と一貫性 1.著作一覧と版数 1)単著 2)妹のハリエット・ビーチャー・ストウとの共著 2.活動経歴とそれを支えた思想の根幹 3.『母と教育者』の位置づけと性格 II.「普遍的原則」としての性差 1.「良識」としての男女の「領域」 1)女性観 2)男性観 2.男女の「領域」区分の新奇性と「普遍性」 3.「神の摂理」としての「家族国家(family state)」と女性の使命 III.「母」の不在とその効用 1.「家庭」の「母」の不在:家事訓練の教科書としての家政書 2.「経済的自立」への渇望:女性の結婚難問題の解決 3.「母」の効用:女性の「優越性」,「有用性」と「幸福」の獲得への有効性 おわりに
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