17世紀イングランドにおける女教師/治癒者の世界 : アン・ボーデンハムの魔女裁判関係史料(1653)から
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When and how the image that women have reproductive body and natural power to nurse, care, cure, and teach little children, week or sick people began? In England, some recent studies cleared 'New Mother' ideology was appearing in 17th century. This essay investigates specifically the Pamphlets that reported the Witchcraft condemned to Anne Bodenham printed in 1653, and shows the world of her practice and her visitors and patients. She was a teacher of many children to read, a curer of sick people, and a counselor of stolen or lost things, and made her living by these works. She was taught the art by Dr. Lamb (perhaps an famous Astrologer patronized by Buckingham Royal) when she was his servant. So many people visited her and ask her help. Her suspicion had begun since her advice reached the trouble in the house of Master Goddard Esq. His wife was poisoned by someone, perhaps by her daughters in law. During Bodenham advised several matters of poison, the suspicious daughters (young gentlewomen) knew it, and Bodenham was arrested and sent to prison. No difference between the lawful and the demonic in Bodenham's arts and practices. People believed her good counselor, and repeatedly visited and asked her. Her arts belonged to the Cosmology in the Early Modern Europe, that is, the harmony was in both the world: macro-cosmos and the human body: micro-cosmos. The spirits were flowing through the cosmos. Bodenham's practices were believed to influence the power of the cosmology. They were no interest in the specificity of women's body both Bodenham and Anne Styles, who was believed to 'bewitched' by Bodenham. In the middle of 17th century England, women were not individually regarded and identified as having reproductive body when they taught, cured and counseled. Women did such works as almost same as men.
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