近代初期英国における母親像の転回と教育 : 研究課題の整理のために
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This paper aims to review the studies of history of motherhood in early modern England. And it also aims to make clear the problems on the study of history of the world around growing up of children and maternal experience in modern England. In early modern England, some new images, experiences, and attitudes of (and to) women were emerging. 1) The invention of women's educational role as mothers inevitable to children's growing up to expectable adults. 2) The beginnings of emphasis on women's literary education by humanists mainly. 3) The appearance of many writings to mothers by women. This phenomenon is very significant to the history of mother's relations to child-rearing and the process of growing up in modern England. And the image or the view of motherhood made then has influenced to modern Anglo-America or other countries which had Western-European style modernization. In early modern period, people thought absolutely differently about the birth of human being. They discussed about the theory of pre-formation in seventeenth century. In former times, it was said that they had believed only father was the parent of child. Early modern view of birth was still fluid. What view of the mechanism or meanings of child birth and parenthood did exist in the front of the early modern English people? Child-birth or child-rearing experiences were under the super-natural power in early modern age. People believed the effects of the relics, the amulets, and so on. Child-birth and child-rearing had'nt become the efforts or ability of mother yet. But the Reformers tried to banish them as 'superstitions'. Moreover, networks of kinship and neighborhood, and wet-nurses or hospitals were the supports for mothers. That is when the image of 'new mother' emerged. For what did women write new maternal duty? There must have been contradictions between 'weaker vessel' and the responsible and self-devoted mother. How did they resolve them? How did women's self, devoted to sanctity before the Reformation, change to maternal experiences? What happened in the world around children and mothers (women) in early modern England? It is important to make clear the detail in the world of growing up for not only history of education in modern England but also to the ideas, institutions, attitudes, and etc. of modern education.はじめに ~過渡期における母 Ⅰ.母と教育の歴史研究の意義 1.母の歴史 2.教育史として母の歴史 ~子どもの育ちと母についての過去と現在 Ⅱ.母と子育てをめぐる世界のゆらぎ 1.人間の出生についての母の重み 2.出産と育児をめぐる諸力 ~超自然的力と女性の力 3.母をとりまく人々 Ⅲ.女の人生における母役割の意味のゆらぎ 1.聖性・個人性と母性 2.女性の母についての著述と女性の自己 おわりに
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