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In the FIA system, it is believed that the response signal is independent of the sample volume flowing through a sample loop prior to injection. However, we found exceptions to this principle. The 0.5 mL PEEK (poly (ether-ether-ketone)) sample loop we have used for years showed a significant increase in the peak area according to the volume of the pH 4 Al standard solution flowing through the loop prior to injection in a flow-injection fluorometric determination system using the aluminum-lumogallion complex. This increase may be the result of the adsorption of aluminum ion on the sample loop during the flow period. However, the adsorption of Al did not observed when the pH 3 Al standard solution was used or when a new PEEK sample loop was used. We confirmed that the chemical treatment of a new PEEK sample loop with various kinds of reagents, such as nitric acid, hydrogen peroxide, etc., caused no change in the adsorption behavior of the pH 4 Al standard solution. Because the other old PEEK loop showed the sign of adsorption, the gradual deterioration of the PEEK loop by aging was concluded to be the cause of the adsorption. The stainless steel loop showed a very high adsorption of aluminum species in neutral/slightly basic river water.
- 滋賀大学教育学部の論文
原 博一
Hara Hirokazu
Department Of Chemistry Faculty Of Education Shiga University
Hara Hirokazu
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