- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study is to consider the main competencies as teacher developed through teaching practice. Therefore, this study examined the conscious of undergraduates who have experienced teaching practice and novice elementary school teachers. In this study, the data was collected from 138 student teachers and 123 novice elementary school teachers. Competencies that they had developed through teaching practice were examined, and the following two points became clear. 1) They have recognized that they acquired competency of teaching, competency of understanding children, and attitude as a teacher through the teaching practice. 2) They have not recognized that they acquired competency of evaluation, competency of cooperation and collaboration, and professional knowledge through the teaching practice. It seems to be crucial for the future reform on teaching practice to clarify how they recognize the status quo of teaching practice, how they recognize competencies as teacher by themselves.
- 2010-11-30
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