ジョン・レイシ一作 『スコットランド人ソーニイ』論
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Sauny the Scot (1667) was written for production by the King's Company to which the author,John Lacy,himself belonged as a shareholder,actor and dramatist. Lacy made the Restoration new comedy as a mixed adaptation from Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew (1594),the anonymous play The Taming of a Shrew (1594),and John Fletcher's The Woman's Prize,or The Tamer Tamed (1611). By doing so,he was able to give focus to his own part Sauny,Petruahio's Scottish footman. As Katherine West Sheil (1997:72-73) points out,the most important sources for making Sauny an 'outsider' was John Tatham's so-called Scots plays: The Distracted State (1641),The Scots Figgaries; or A Knot of Knaves(1652),and The Rump,or The Mirror of the Late Times (1660). Lacy thus enlarged Sauny's role,making use of the conventional images seen in these comtemporary plays: Petruahio's Italian footman Grumio in Shakespeare tums into a Scots one Sauny in Lacy,who often interludes the conversations between the gay couple,Petruchio and Margaret,or other characters,causing laughter mainly with his Scottishness. Whreas both the basic plot development and a great number of words and phrases in Sauny the Scot are from Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew,there are some differences: the induction of Christopher Sly was lost; the locations became England (London); some names were Anglicized such as Lord Beaufoy,Woodall,and Sir Lionel Winlove; all the characters speak in prose; song and dance was increased; and more violent elements can be seen in Sauny the Scot,which offer more opportunities for the repressed characters to lay bare their hearts on stage. It is at this time when they express themselves that the new comic atmosphere in Sauny the Scot is created,for example,in the conversations between Petruahio and his footman, Sauny,Margaret and her younger sister,Bianca, and Petruahio and his wife,Margaret. For the closing,Lacy creates a very impressive scene in Act 5, making good use of the material from Fletcher's The Woman's Prize. Sauny the Scot was performed more than 30 times as recorded,from its first performance in Drury Lane Theatre,Bridges Street,on April 9th, 1667, until the next new adaptation,Catherine and Petruchio,by David Garrick in 1756. From the viewpoint of theatrical history,we can safely say that Lacy played an important role in supplying a Shakespearean adaptation to the Restoration stage,which became part of the repertory until the middle of the 18th century.
- 2010-03-10
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