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Lupoid hepatitis (LH) is known as autoimmune type of chronic active hepatitis with hyper-gamma-globulinemia. However, it has recently been reported that some cases in the early phase of LH had neither hyper-gamma-globu-linemia or chronic active hepatitis of the liver. Two interesting cases with LH were presented here, who had been observed from the onsets of the diseases. One case, a 69-year-old female visited our hospital, complaining of general malaise and jaundice. On admission, liver biochemical tests showed very high value of serum transaminases and slightly elevated gamma globulin (but less than 2.0 g/dl). The initially biopsied specimen of the liver showed focal necrosis and ballooning liver cells in the lobule but no evidence of piece-meal necrosis in the portal area of the liver. These findings were not compatible with those of LH. Then, she was diagnosed as having acute hepatitis associated with hepatitis infected with non A non B virus. Her serum transaminases subsequently fell into normal range. However, she suffered from the recurrence of hepatitis and was admitted to our hospital again. The second liver biopsy showed the findings of intensive piece-meal necrosis which were consistent with those of LH. The other case was a 54-year-old woman. At first, she was pointed out abnormal liver function tests through medical exanimation and referred to our hospital for further examination. Her laboratory findings on admission showed moderately elevated transaminases. but negative reaction of anti-nuclear antibody. She underwent liver biopsy that revealed findings being consistent with chronic persistent hepatitis. After six month, she was admitted our hospital again for elevation of serum transaminases. The second liver biopsy was performed and showed severe piece-meal necrosis of the liver.
- 琉球医学会,Ryukyu Medical Associationの論文
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