[症例報告]Wilson病の兄妹例 : 画像診断を中心にして
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Two cases of Wilson's disease in sibrings were reported. On admission, their general conditions were quite well and they had mild symptoms suggesting chronic liver disease. They underwent ultrasound (US), computed tomography (CT), laparoscopy and liverbiopsy. In these examinations, no characteristic findings for the diagnosis of Wilson's disease was obtained. US showed relatively hypoechoic liver parenchyma and several echogenic linear shadow, which might present the walls of the peripheral portal branches or peripheral portal area, in the parenchyma of both cases. CT showed several high density nodules in the parenchyma of both of the livers, which were surrounded low density area. From these US and CT findings, they were suspected as having severe or advanced liver cirrhosis unless they had mild symptoms and well condition. Subsequently, laparoscopy and liver biopsy revealed advanced cirrhotic lesion in their liver.
- 琉球医学会,Ryukyu Medical Associationの論文
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- [症例報告]Wilson病の兄妹例 : 画像診断を中心にして
- 琉球大学附属病院における清掃作業員の視点からみた感染性廃棄物処理マニュアル作成に向けた検討