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A 69-year old female was complaint with high fever, cough, anorexia and general malaise. At admission, her liver function tests showed elevated s-GOT and s-GPT, and she was suspected to have acute hepatitis. Serological examination showed negative for both IgM-anti-HA and IgM-anti-HBc, high value of $ \gamma $-globulin and positive test for autoantibodies which suggested chronic active hepatitis such as lupoid hepatitis. However, histologically, the liver tissue did not show piecemeal necrosis or fibrosis which are compatible for diagnosis of chronic active lupoid hepatitis. There was no history of alcoholism nor drug ingestion. Therefore, non A non B type of acute hepatitis with high value of $ \gamma $-globulin and positive tests for autoantibodies was most likely in this case.
- 琉球大学医学部,Faculty of Medicine, University of the Ryukyusの論文
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