[症例報告]血清アルファ,フェトプロテイン(AFP) 異常高値を示した非B非C型慢性活動性肝炎の1例
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Serum alpha-fetoprotein(AFP) is generally recognized to be useful as a tumor marker for hepatocellular carcinoma. But the fact that some cases of benign liver diseases (eg.chronic active hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, etc), or some of extra hepatic malignancies show high serum level of AFP is also well known. We presented here a case of 60-year-old female, who showed very high value of serum AFP, and no evidence of hepatocellular carcinoma. She admitted our hospital for further examination of abnormal increasing of serum AFP. Her serum AFP concentration subsequently increased up to 1359 ng/ml following with high elevated serum transaminase, and the both decreased after treatment. Ultrasonography, computed tomography, drip infusion chorangigraphy, and abdominal arteriography showed no space-occupying-lesion in the liver. Gastroduodenal endoscopy and barium enema were also carried out and no tumorous lesion was detected. These studies denied presence of hepatocellular carcinoma, or ectopic AFP producing tumors. She was received liver biopsy, and was diagnosed as having chronic aggresive hepatitis. Lectin affinities of the increased AFP showed concanavalin A(conA)-reactive, and lentil lectin(LCA)- non reactive. These findings suggested that the increased AFP would be caused by regeneration process of hepatic cells after the necrosis of unknown etiology.
- 琉球医学会,Ryukyu Medical Associationの論文
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