- 論文の詳細を見る
Nine patients were operated on endovascular surgery and grouped as follows. Group I ( 3 cases of facial hemangioma):Feeding arteries of the hemangioma were embolized with microparticles (polyvinyl alcohol foam.Gelfoam or microfibrillar collagen) or ethanol liquid. Endovascular surgery seems to be the best treatment leaving the minimal damage both in functional and cosmetic standpoints of view. Group II (4 cases of malignant tumor) : Supersel∝live intraarterial infusion of LAK cells(lymphokine activated killer cells) ,MCNU,and CDDP was performed via the feeding arteries of tumors in four cases. Infusion should be performed as close as possible to the tumor in order to give higher concentration of drugs into the tumor and minimize local and systemic side effects by excessive extratumoral path. Group III(2 caces of intracavernous vascular lesion) : lntracavernous giant aneurysm was treated by proximal occlusion with detachable balloons without making bypass. Balloon occlusion test is essential to make sure of the pnresence of sufficient collaterals before the treatment. Cavernous dural arteriovenous malformation was successfully treated by staged embolization via transarterial route with gelfoam and microfibrillar collagen, and transvenous route with metal coils. Rescent advances of microcatheter and embolic agents have made dramatic progress in endovascular surgery. Endvascular surgery is considered to be the measure of choice primarily in the treatment of craniofacial vascular lesions.
- 琉球医学会,Ryukyu Medical Associationの論文
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