「民営化」条件整備の教育的可能性についての研究 : PFIスクールの事例分析から
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This paper is intended to compare the modern school built by PFI in U.K. with the first PFI school in Japan.and to examine the relation between "privatizing" and "efficiency" in education. Actually, the possibilities and problems in education are intended to examine through the interview investigation to the headteacher of Hilands school built by Public Private Partnership (PPP including PFI) and the keyman of Chouwa elementary school(built as the first PFI school in Japan). The points suggested from the PFI schools in U.K. are to take an opportunity to think the management of school facilities on the total viewpoint, and to get a full-time manager for this task. But, on the other hand, if we don't have the wide viewpoints about the school facilities in future, these strong points change the risk of "efficiency". Because the headteacher of case in U.K. stated that there were big gap between educational ideas of hers and the actualities derived from the cost reduction by PFI. As the headteacher acutely pointed out, it is very important that we make a partnership between schools and their school administrations on the process of PFI introduction into school building in Japan. Chouwa elementary school as the first case of PFI introduction in Japan was firstly introduced without the idea of cost reduction. To put it more precisely, there was a starting of the PFI introduction in the place where the expenditure of school building exceeded the original budget by adopting inhabitants' requirements one after another, when two schools synthesized to a new school. There were the big change about the viewpoint of school facilities and the partnership between the the board of education and their habitants. The study of these cases has shown the importance of three points about the problems in education under PFI introduction. The first is to take a serious view of needs of children, teachers and habitants. The second is to be a man of understanding about PFI in school administration area. The third is the quality of choosing PFI work. These facts are important things, when the new economic liberalism which puts emphasis on the principle of competition and self-responsibility introduce school building.
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