体育科教師における「資質能力」の質的向上・保証について : 養成段階に到達すべき知識を中心に
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This aim of this paper was to clarify the characteristics of the physical education teacher competency testing in Japan and the United States. This was done by investigating, in particular, the parts of "PRAXIS" is made of ETS in the United States.As a result of the investigation, these three characteristics were found as follows : (1) While it is used in the United States that the test standardized on a nationwide scale by civilian organizations such as ETS, it is established in Japan that top-down teacher's certificate examination by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in prefectural and city governments. (2) It is composed of the content that widely considers various concepts to surround "physical education" in PRAXES II. (3) The composition of the content of knowledge is different in the point "transfer of learning".
- 2006-03-28
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