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多肢奇形を有する牛(ホルスタイン種,雌,11日齢)について解剖学的観察を行った.得られた結果は次のとおりである. 1. 過剰肢は左側殿部に付着し,両側の後肢よりやや小さく,副蹄は1個認められた. 2. 恥骨結合,坐骨結合は閉鎖不全で,過剰肢のほかに骨盤内に異常骨が2個認められた. 3. 過剰肢の筋は発達が悪く,その筋名を同定することは出来なかった. 4. 過剰肢には,内腸骨動脈と後殿神経の分枝がその背側と掌側に分布していた.11-day-old Holstein-Friesian cow which had duplication of hind limb was dessected to be description. The details were reported as follows. (1) A supernumerary leg attached at the left side of back. It was smaller than that of the limbs of both sides, and had a dew-claw on one side. (2) The pelvic cavity was strikingly large due to the patency of the symphisis ischii as well as symphysis pubis and had two excessive bones in itself. (3) Almost all muscles of additional leg could not be designated because of the arrest of their development. (4) Artery (external iliac artery) and nerve of the supernumerary leg arised from the internal iliac artery and the caudal gluteal nerve of the autositic body. Dividing into dorsal and ventral branches, they descended to distal region of the leg.
- 宮崎大学農学部の論文
那須 哲夫
那須 哲夫
Nasu Tetsuo
Department Of Veterinary Anatomy Faculty Of Agriculture Miyazaki University
Nasu T
Univ. Miyazaki Miyazaki Jpn
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