鳥類下垂体の血管分布に関する走査電子顕微鏡的研究(第4報) : ニワトリ胚子下垂体に分布する血管
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ニワトリの胚子を用いて血管のポリエステル鋳型標本を作り,下垂体に分布する血管を走査電顕で観察した.得られた結果を要約すれば次のとおりである. 1.脳頸動脈交通枝および脳底動脈は孵卵13日齢ですでに形成されていた. 2.漏斗動脈はほとんどの場合2本見られ,それぞれ前隆起動脈と後隆起動脈,神経性下垂体動脈となり,前隆起動脈は主に視床下部の深部,視交叉の腹側および正中隆起の前部に分布し,後隆起動脈は視床下部の深部,正中隆起の後部に分布し,神経性下垂体動脈は神経葉に分布したのち神経葉の後方へ進み,脳硬膜へ分布していた. 3.正中隆起の第一次毛細血管網は前半部の方がよく発達していたが,毛細血管は連続していて前後に区分することは出来なかった. 4.門脈は孵化直前になると丸い束をなし,これを前後に区分することは出来なかった. 5.漏斗から起こり,門脈帯を経ずに主部の後部に直進する数本の門脈が見られた. 6.主部内では,管径の大きい門脈性の血管が前後に分かれる傾向はあったが,その分枝は互いに密に絡み合って網工を形成し,毛細血管レベルでは前後区分が出来なかった. 7.主部の第二次毛細血管叢は周囲の海綿静脈洞へ移行し,海綿静脈洞は内頸静脈と内眼静脈に排出していた.The resin casts of the vascular system of chick embryo's pituitary were produced by injection method and then observed with scanning electron microscope, with a special reference to the subdivision of the capillary plexus and portal vein. The results are summarized as follows. 1. The basilar artery and intercarotid anastomosis were observed at the 13th day of incubation. Left side of the intercarotid anastomosis was located at the higher level than the other and the basilar artery was the prolongation of the caudal ramus of the cerebral carotid artery on only one side. 2. At the point of the division into the rostral and caudal ramus the A. carotis cerebralis emitted two infundibular arteries on earch side, which were the main arteries of the hypophyseal resion. A. eminentia rostralis came from the rostral part of the infundibular artery, and gave rise to several branches to supply the surface of the hypothlamus and anterior portion of the median eminence, and ventral surface of the optic chiasma. A. eminentia caudalis which was a continuation of the caudal part of the infundibular artery divided into the several branches that coursed to the posterior portion of the median eminence, ventral surface of the hypothalamus and the neural lobe (A. neurohypophysis). 3. Primary capillary plexus of the rostral median eminence was much denser than that of caudal part. But there was no differentiation in the capillary plexus between the rostral and caudal divisions. 4. As the rostral part of portal vessels were prsented in grater numbers than caudal part it was easy to divide these vessels into the rostral and caudal groups. 5. Infrequently there were a few additional caudal portal vein which were not enclosed within the portal zone. These accessory portal vessels usually extend from the infundibulum to the caudal lobe of the pars distalis. 6. The rostral and caudal groups of portal vessels formed sinusoidal systems in the rostral and caudal portions of the pars distalis respectively, but communication between the rostral and caudal sinusoid systems were obserbed. 7. The sinuses of the pars distalis drained into the cavernous sinuses which surrounded the hypophysis. The main drainges from the cavernous sinuses were carotid vein.
那須 哲夫
那須 哲夫
Nasu Tetsuo
Department Of Veterinary Anatomy Faculty Of Agriculture Miyazaki University
Nasu T
Univ. Miyazaki Miyazaki Jpn
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