- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the nature of the vocabulary contained in English textbooks for Japanese junior high school through an effective and extensive use of the personal computer. Specifically, the paper aims at constructing vocabulary profiles for each target text by counting the number of unique words and the total occurrence of words in each of the 13 different parts of speech and also in each of the 11 different ranks of importance. For this purpose, out of the current six different English textobooks for Japanese junior high school, the three most widely used textbooks were selected as the target texts for the detailed analysis. One EFL textbook was also selected out of many to make a comparison possible between the Japanese junior high school textbooks and EFL textbooks coming from abroad. The vocabulary data contained in the four target texts was processed by the personal computer. As a result, the alphabetical list of unique lexical words with tags for proper parts of speech and ranks of importance, and with frequencies of occurrence, was produced for each target text. The data contained in this alphabetical list of words was further processed by the computer, producing graphic representations of the vocabulary profiles covering the 13 parts of speech and the ll ranks of importance. These obtained profiles clearly indicate several vocabulary characteristics peculiar to the English textbooks for Japanese junior school, including a more frequent appearance of copulas and pronouns and a less frequent appearance of the articles, compared with the EFL textbook also analyzed in this study.
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