日本人英語学習者のための文法指導を考える(1) -教育英文法に求められる三つの条件-
- 論文の詳細を見る
This article is intended to provide a framework or viewpoint for future studies to be conducted by the same author concerning grammar teaching for Japanese EFL learners at secondary school. Its specific aim is to discuss the requirements to be met by pedagogical grammar intended for use in the EFL classroom at Japanese secondary school. Unlike theoretical grammar, which is intended for researchers on linguistics and whose main purpose is to systematize the regularities observed in the use of a language by its native speakers, pedagogical grammar is intended for teachers and learners and is therefore required to take into account factors concerning language acquisition, language use and language contact. Three requirements, each corresponding to the three factors to be covered by pedagogical grammar respectively, are presented and discussed in this article. Firstly, pedagogical grammar for Japanese EFL learners should be learner-friendly in a sense that it can help the learners to learn English in a more efficient and comfortable way. Secondly, it should be communication-oriented in a sense that it can easily lead the learners to use English effectively in their communication. Thirdly, it should be Japanese-minded in a sense that it is to be based upon the interlingual comparison of conceptual frameworks between English and Japanese. The three requirements are elaborated and illustrated by examples from English and also from Japanese when necessary. The three requirements presented in this article are not intended to compose the different chapters of a thesis on pedagogical grammar. Rather, they are expected to function as the guidelines to be followed by Japanese teachers of English in their daily practice of grammar teaching. More detailed discussion is to follow in the future studies conducted under the same title, focusing each time on specific grammatical problems causing special difficulties to Japanese learners.
- 奈良教育大学の論文
- 1992-11-25
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