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本研究では,九州大学農学部附属宮崎演習林内の,シカによる下層植生の食害がある流域における土壌の理化学性と渓流水質について現状を報告する.シカによる下層植生の食害のあるB流域と,シカ害が有り将来的にシカ防除柵による対策を予定しているC流域において不撹乱土壌を採取し,乾燥密度,間隙率,飽和体積含水率,飽和透水性係数といった土壌の物理性を測定した.また,土壌の化学性として土壌pHおよびECを測定した.B流域の方がC流域と比較して土壌の間隙率と土壌ECが高く,植物が水分・養分を利用しやすい土壌であることが示唆された.また,C流域のとくに斜面下部に砂礫が多く堆積していた.シカ害の無いA流域も含め3流域での渓流水質の比較を行ったところ,現段階ではシカ害による林床の状態の違いが渓流水質に顕著な差を生じさせてはいないことが明らかとなった.We report the soil physico-chemical properties and water quality of stream in two watersheds, which were damaged by deer feeding in Shiiba Research Forest. Bulk densities, volumetric contents of total soil pores, saturated volumetric water contents and saturated hydraulic conductivities were determined as physical characteristics, and water-soluble pH and EC were measured as chemical indicators in soil samples taken from three positions in the slope. Compared in site C, the volumetric contents of total soil pores and EC in site B were higher. This suggests that plants in site B have a greater tendency to use soil water and nutrients. In site C, especially in under position of the slope, a large amount of sand gravels were observed. In comparison of water quality of stream in 3 sites including site A, which has not damaged by deer, there is no difference in three sites, which have different condition of forest floor by deer damage. In the future plan, site C is surrounded by protecting net to avoid deer damage, and we continue to monitor the process of vegetation restoration and its effects on soil characteristics, comparing the control watershed, site B.
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