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本論文は,九州大学農学部附属演習林福岡演習林内に設置された御手洗水試験流域の土壌の性質と水分特性(透水性と保水性)を報告する.管理放棄されたヒノキ人工林が分布する本流域において,粒径分布,土粒子密度,乾燥密度,間隙率,飽和透水係数を採取した土壌サンプルを用いて計測し,土壌硬度と土層厚の計測を現場で行った.また,現場において土壌の体積含水率と圧力水頭の計測を行い,土壌の保水性を水分特性曲線によって示した.その結果,本流域の土層は40-60cmと浅く,全体的には,飽和に近い段階から排水が開始され,かつ排水が持続的に生じるという団粒もしくは粒状構造の土壌が持つ土壌水分特性を示した.一方で,斜面中腹部から下部の一部の土壌は,土壌がある程度まで乾燥しないと排水が生じず,移動可能な水分が少ないという壁状構造の土壌が持つ土壌水分特性を示した.ヒノキ人工林の林床の裸地化が土壌の物理特性に影響を及ぼしていることが示唆された.This study reports soil properties and moisture retention capacity such as particlesize distribution, particle density, dry bulk density, porosity, saturated hydraulic conductivity, soil hardness, and rootable soil depth in the Ochozu experimental watershed, which is mainly covered by an unmanaged Japanese Cypress plantation, in Kasuya Research Forest of Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan. In addition, we conducted soil moisture measurements such as volumetric water content and matric potential in situ, and determined soil water retention curve from these measurements in the watershed. Consequently, this study showed that there were shallow rootable soil depth with ca. 40- 60 cm, and that most of soil in this site showed the water retention curves that have been observed in aggregated soil structure. On the other hand, soil in the lower part of the hill-slopes showed the water retention curves that have been observed in massive soil structure. These results imply that partially soil structure has been degraded in the watershed resulting from un-management of Japanese Cypress plantation.
- 九州大学農学部附属演習林,Kyushu University Forestsの論文
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