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Ischemic heart disease(IHD)has become more prevalent in Japan.And more and more IHD patients underwent the coronary interventions(PTCA,CABG,etc.)as well as medications.Because life styles have been known to influence the progression or prevention of IHD,it is very important for an IHD patient to maintain a healthy life style especially after undergoing the coronary intervention.The Self-care ability of coronary risk factors is required of an IHD patient.Medical staffs are to aid IHD patients to promote their Self-care ability.However clinical factors that influence the Self-care ability of the patients have not been fully clarified.By clarifying those factors,we can create the better nursing method for the IHD patients.Thus we designed the questionnaire research on the IHD patients who underwent the coronary interventions in order to elucidate the clinical factors that influence the Self-care ability.Results are as follows:1)Self-care ability is lower in male gender,current and ex-smokers,those with re-stenosis of PTCA site,and those with jobs.2)Self-care ability is relevant to support from the patient's family,Family Environment Cohesion,and Family Environment Organization.3)It is important to guide elder male patients with jobs to turn their eyes to Self-care activities and to introduce those activities to their daily lives.4)A careful plan is necessary to guide ex- and current smokers to Self-care under the special emphasis on the importance of non-smoking.5)Patients’families are important in promoting the patients’Self-care after receiving coronary interventions.6)It is important to guide patients' families together with the IHD patients to promote better Self-care after receiving coronary interventions.
- 九州大学医学部保健学科,School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Kyushu Universityの論文
- 2005-02-18
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- ご挨拶
- 高齢者と若年者における入浴時の呼吸・循環動態の変化