- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study was to examine the emergency circumstances and nursing care system in the Emergency Department(ED).The subjects of the present study consisted of 181 patients and 214 their family members in the ED.The patients comprised 137 non-urgent and 44 urgent.The mean age of non-urgent patients was 32.6±25.6 years old and urgent patients 51.1±27.3 years old.28.2% of 181 patients were under 15 years old and 18.8%over 70 years of age.The mean age of family members was 41.4±12.0 years old.The family members of the urgent patients were significantly more anxious than those of the non-urgent. Conclusions were considered as follows;1. For promoting nursing quality and systematic efficiency,telephone counseling and triage nursing should be offered.2. It is important to support family members as well as the patients, because they suffered from a grate psychological shock.3. Education about judgment of emergency and home nursing care should be facilitated in the community.本研究では,九州北部の3病院の救急外来を受診した患者181名とその家族214名を対象に,その実態を調査し,救急外来における看護体制について検討した。患者は初期救急患者が137名,2次救急が44名,平均年齢はそれぞれ32.6±25.6歳,51.1±27.3歳であった。患者は15歳未満の小児が28.2%と最も多く,ついで70歳以上の患者が18.8%と多かった。患者の家族では,平均41.4±12.0歳であった。家族は不安が強く,初期救急患者の家族よりも2次救急患者の家族の不安が有意に強かった。実態調査の結果より,①電話相談での対応およびトリアージナース配置の必要性,②家族援助の重要性,③家庭でできる看護の教育を行う場作りの必要性,が示唆された。
- 九州大学医学部保健学科,School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Kyushu Universityの論文
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