水源帯におけ流出過程に関する研究(1) 流出過程の分析
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本論文では水源帯の流出過程に関する分析に基づいて流出モデルの構成を図った。流出モデルは高水流出解析を目途として時間単位を10分とした。そして小流域試験で観測精度も高く,資料の豊富な東京大学愛知演習林内の白坂・数成・穴の宮の3流域を対象に分析を加えることとした。3流域の流域特性を比較すると,白坂は林相が良好(昭和10年代における推定森林蓄積:77m3/ha)で起伏量比が大きく,対照的に数成は林相が粗悪(同:9m3/ha)ではあるが起伏量比は小さい。一方,穴の宮は前2者に比較して流域面積が狭く,林相は両者の中間程度(同:14m3/ha)で起伏量比は数成と大差はない。地質に関しては,白坂・穴の宮が風化花こう岩よりなるが,数成は第3紀層より形成されている。This report describes a runoff model which was constructed on the basis of an analysis of the hydrological processes in a headwater area. Ten minutes was adopted for the analysis of the high water runoff for the model. The analysis was conducted at the three experimental basins, Shirasaka, Kazunari and Ananomiya of the Tokyo University Forest in Aichi, whose observation data were abundant and precise. The characteristics of three basins are as follows: Shirasaka presented a good forest cover (the estimated growing stock in the 1930s was 77m3/ha), and its relief ratio was large; Kazunari's cover was bad (9m3/ha), and its relief ratio was small; whereas Ananomiya (14m3/ha) was comparatively narrow, the forest cover was slightly better than that of Kazunari, and its relief ratio was the same as that of Kazunari. Shirasaka and Ananomiya are formed with weathered granite, but Kazunari is of tertiary origin.
- 東京大学大学院農学生命科学研究科附属演習林,The Tokyo University Forests,東京大学農学部林学科,Department of Forestry, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tokyoの論文
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