Detection of antibodies against striped jack nervous necrosis virus (SJNNV) from brood stocks of striped jack.
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It has been indicated that parental spawners were a source of infection of a viral disease, “viral nervous necrosis", in larval striped jack Pseudocaranx dentex. In this study, the prevalence of antibodies against the causative virus (SJNNV) was examined among brood stocks of striped jack by indirect ELISA. Indirect ELISA using purified SJNNV, rabbit anti-SJNNV serum, and enzyme-conjugated goat anti-rabbit IgG antibody was employed for antibody detection from the plasma. The plasma IgM partially purified by ion-exchange chromatography was used for ELISA detection. The antibody to SJNNV was detected at high frequency (65%) in plasma samples collected from brood stocks reared at various facilities regardless of their sex or origin (wild or domestic). This indicates that the virus is prevalent among cultured populations of this fish species.
- The Japanese Society of Fisheries Scienceの論文
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