長崎市内における犬糸状虫の浸淫状況と伝搬蚊に関する研究 : 1.長崎市内における飼犬のフィラリア仔虫保有状況
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The microfilarial prevalence of Dirofilaria immitis in house dogs in Nagasaki City was examined in spring and autumn in 1968. Of 3370 examined dogs, which were about 18% of the total dogs living in Nagasaki City, 690 dogs, 29.1% were found to have microfilariae. In the dogs under one year no microfilariae were found, but in the one year old dogs microfilarial prevalence was already over 10%, and in the three years or older dogs it ranged mainly between 30 and 40. The mean number of microfilariae per about 20mm^3 blood of positive dogs was 52.3 in spring and 57.9 in autumn. The distribution pattern of the infected dogs in Nagasaki City suggested that more intensive transmission by vector mosquitoes occurred in the suburban districts especially in residential quarters than the urban districts of the City.
- 長崎大学熱帯医学研究所,Institute of Tropical Medicine, Nagasaki Universityの論文
- 17 犬糸状虫症の伝搬の動態に関する研究 : 7. 飼い犬の雌雄別の仔虫保有率の比較
- 44 犬フィラリア症の動態に関する研究 : 4. 異なった浸淫地区での伝搬蚊の季節的消長と自然感染
- A-10 長崎市における飼い犬の犬糸状虫の仔虫保有率の 27 年間の年次的変化
- 14 犬糸状虫症の伝搬の動態に関する研究 : 11. 仔虫保有率の変動に及ぼす流行要因
- 7 犬糸状虫症の伝搬の動態に関する研究 10 : 1983 年以降 10 年間の流行様相
- 4 日本産アカイエカ群とハンブルク産トビイロイエカの交雑群のふ化率
- 21 長崎市における日本脳炎伝搬蚊コガタアカイエカの成虫の年次変動
- 15 犬糸状虫の伝搬の動態に関する研究 : 9. 犬糸状虫伝搬蚊アカイエカ成虫の年次変動
- 14 長崎地方におけるブユ雌成虫の翅長の季節的変異
- 3 外国産アカイエカ群での犬糸状虫の発育効率