Low-temperature anomalies in magnetic, transport, and thermal properties of single-crystal CeRhSn with valence fluctuations
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Magnetic, transport, thermal, and crystallographic properties are reported for single crystals of CeRhSn crystallizing in the hexagonal ZrNiAl-type structure. We found high anisotropy in both electrical resistivity (ρ a≈5ρc at 70 K) and magnetic susceptibility (X c≈10Xa at 0.4 K), which is atypical for a valence-fluctuating Ce compound. At low temperatures, ρ(T) and X(T) show power-law behaviors; ρa(T)∝(T)1.5 and ρc(T)∝T, and Xa∝T -0.35 and Xc∝T-1.1 down to 0.4 K. These behaviors and the rather large residual resistivity were not affected by long-term annealing. On cooling from 7 K to 0.5 K, the specific heat divided by temperature C/T increased as -ln T and saturated to a rather large value of 0.2 J/mol K2. These experimental results are discussed in relation to the possible atomic disorder.
- American Physical Societyの論文
- 2003-08-20
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