拮抗能を持つ放線菌を利用したフザリウム病害の抑制 : (第2報) 有機物の選抜と拮抗放線菌利用資材の調製
- 論文の詳細を見る
Effects of various organic materials on the microbial flora and the activities of selected antagonistic Actinomycetes to Fusarium oxysporum in soil were investigated. Thereafter, a sample of antagonistic microbial Material A (mixture of selected antagonistic Actinomycetes and organic matter, compost made of photosynthetic bacterial sludge: CPBS) was prepared and tested for its antagonistic activity to F. oxysporum and the fixation rate in soil. 1. Compost made of photosynthetic bacterial sludge (CPBS) was selected as an organic material which promotes th Actinomycetes activity in soil. 2. Antagonistic effect of Material A on radish yellows and Fusarium wilt of cucumber caused by F. oxysporum f. sp. raphani and f. sp. cucumerinum was observed. The effect was more pronounced in the case of the mixture of five antagonistic Actinomycetes than when only a single species was used. 3. The number of Actinomycetes in four different soil samples were increased by the application of Material A and they maintained a relatively constant level. However, the number of F. oxysporum was not affected by the application. 4. Activities and fixation rates of applied antagonistic Actinomycetes in soil and in/on radish roots varied with each microbial species, respectively.
- 日本土壌微生物学会の論文
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