食品製造工程で生じる臭気物質の研究(その2) : アミノ酸醤油の廃液処理中の臭気主成分(dimethyldisulfide)の発生因子について
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Of late the residential areas have been spread, and then become near to existing factories. As the result of such social tendency, we have begun to have various type of pollution problem between factories and private houses. Therefore, a new type of environmental problem becomes occurred among us. As one of objects to solve such an environmental problem, Dimethyldisulfide (DD) among malodors in the soy sauce manufacturing factory near to the residential areas was found to be the principal malodor component. The concentration of DD was here considered if it correlate to the malodor relating factors or not in the treating process of waste fluid outside from the soy source manufacturing process, but we could not have a meaningful correlation factors because of large variation on the above mentioned malodor relating factors. Speaking of the threshold on sense of smell in which people can feel as a malodor, it is reported that there are the detection (A) and recognition (B) thresholds. Therefore, the correlation factors between the concentration of DD and 16 malodor relating factors were calculated and analyzed systematically by considering with the variation of each data. In the threshold larger than A (0.0022 ppm), the malodor relating factors to show the correlation factors over the value of around 0.5 were found to be No.l MLSS, No.2 MLSS and Fluid flow to Precipitation Tank from Waste Tank, which strongly correlated to it. In the case of lower than threshold A, it is difficult to find the above mentioned correlation. And also in the case of the threshold B (0.00028), each correlation factor is generally low and it is not able to recognize the sense of smell between DD and malodor relating factors. According to the above consideration, it is deduced that the recognition threshold A should be practical to feel the sense of smell of DD, and that the malodor generating in the treatment process of soy source manufacturing factory is mainly related to No.l MLSS, No.2 MLSS and Fluid flow to Precipitation Tank from Waste Tank, and also the concentration of waste fluid and exhaust flow from Precipitation Tank.
- 日本食品化学学会の論文
- 2004-09-28
義平 邦利
義平 邦利
荒木 和美
荒木 和美
北村 章
北村 章
本田 親仁
鴨井 新生
義平 邦利
本田 親仁
北村 章
荒木 和美
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