J031012 蒸発部表面積を変化させた場合の自励振動ヒートパイプ9の熱伝達性能([J03101]電子情報機器,電子デバイスの強度・信頼性評価と熱制御(1))
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This paper presents an experimental study on a pulsating heat pipe (PHP) with lmm square 41 meandering grooves using butane as a working fluid. The length, width and thickness of the heat pipe are 300mm, 50mm and 1.9mm, respectively. The evaporator surface area was varied by changing the evaporator length in the experiment. The following conclusions were obtained from the experiment. (1) The maximum heat transfer rate ana? was rapidly decreased when the evaporator surface area was decreased. (2) When the heat pipe has an adiabatic section at the heat pipe edge next to the evaporator, the maximum heat transfer rate Q_was increased comparing with the case of no adiabatic section at the heat pipe edge. (3)The heat transfer coefficient in the evaporator was around 1500W/m^2K not depending on the heat flux and the heat transfer coefficient in the condenser was 200-1500 W/m^2K depending on the heat flux.
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