G020043 多細胞系に現れる1/fゆらぎのモデリング([G02004]バイオエンジニアリング部門一般セッション(4))
- 論文の詳細を見る
1/f'a(0.5<a<1.5) noises are observed in life systems. It is known that the slope of power spectrum density (PSD) in 1/f noises of life systems varies by age and disease. We can expect that 1/f noises are applied to the diagnostic technology. However, the generation mechanism of 1/f noises is not fully disclosed so far. In this study, we propose the generation model of 1/f noises from the superposition of first-order autoregressive (AR(1)) models, and conduct numerical analysis using the proposed model. Moreover, we attempt the explanation of the generation of 1/f noises in cell-membrane potentials and diffusions in multi-cellular systems. In results, we obtained the 1/r (a,--0.75, a4.99, az-1.21) noises, respectively. We suggested that 1/f noises are generated by the superposition of AR(1) models which has different dissipations. It is suggested that 1/f noises are arisen in multi-cellular systems.
- 2011-09-11
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