通信制高校における放送利用に関する研究 : 卒業生の放送利用学習への評価を中心に
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About 70 high schools are now offering correspondence course in Japan, and the number of the students enrolled comes up to 13,000. These students are supposed to learn by themselves mainly at home, using textbooks and studyguides. To support their learning, NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation) has been broadcasting radio and TV programs since 1951. It was not long after the inauguration of the cource. Through broadcasting to contribute to equal opportunity for higher education for working youths was thought to be a high mission of the public broadcasting organization at that time. At its height, the total duration of the programs for correspondence course students reached 20 hours par week, both in radio and TV respectively. In 1962, NHK founded "NHK Gakuen High School" as a model case to search and realize the best ways to combine broadcasting with correspondence education system. Sponsored by the Hoso Bunka Foundation, we made a survey of 2,000 graduates from 2 correspondence high schools, NHK Gakuen High School and "K" High School. How were the students using broadcasting programs in their school days? How do they evaluate the teaching-learing system now, long after their graduation? In particular, what do they think about studying by radio and television? We asked those questions, and got the answers. The main results are as follows. 1. Possession of Radio and/or Television Sets as Learning Tools There were marked differences in the rates of equipment posession between the graduates of NHK Gakuen High School and "K" High School. For example, in their school days, 88% of the former owned television sets, whereas 66% of the latter did them. As for radio sets, the owners' rates were 96% and 87%, severally. 2. The Utilization of Radio and TV Programs * Radio: About 70% of the NHK Gakuen High School graduates answered that they studied very often through radio programs whereas a little more than 10% of those form "K" High School did so. * Television: In the case of NHK Gakuen graduates, 93% made use of TV programs, including 74% who used them very often, while among the "K" High School graduates only 52% of them were using TV programs. 3. Evaluation of TV & Radio as Learning Resourses In respect to television, the combined answers "very useful" and "useful" totaled 84% for NHK Gakuen graduates, while only 44% for the "K" High School graduates. The figures for radio were 78% and 31%, respectively. The survey reveals the marked difference of the attitudes toward the utilization and evaluation of TV and radio programs between the graduates of those two schools. While the operation of NHK Gakuen is based on, and designed for, the utilization of broadcasting. The students of "K" High School had also been encouraged the use of broadcastings eagerly. But the utilization of programs was not oriented "clearely" in the correspondence education of the school. For instance, the evaluation of learning was only regarding to studygides, and not concerning with TV and radio. So, for the students of "K" School, the utilization of broadcastings in learning was only an "additional" (not an essential) activity. The difference of the "attitudes" is considered to have something to do with the educational philosophy and system of each school. We believe that this is an important point to be studied in working out the correspondence education systems utilizing broadcasting.
- 日本教育メディア学会の論文
- 1988-06-30
- テレビ・ラジオと印刷教材の複合利用(第2セッション,第1回大学放送教育国際シンポジウム「遠隔教育の展望」,第2部 シンポジウム篇,放送・印刷教材の複合利用-『文化人類学』をめぐって-)
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- 大学レベルの教育番組の系譜 : ラジオ初期の10年
- ラジオ番組における『聞き手』の立場(第1章 研究開発番組の制作経験から得たもの,放送大学放送教材としての研究開発番組)
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- 327 乳幼児のテレビ接触と反応(物語理解,発達14,発達)
- 情報化時代の教育とマルチメディアの活用
- 放送教育の原点への回帰
- 放送教育の原点への回帰
- 災害時における障害者情報提供システムの研究
- 聴覚障害者と災害情報 〜聴覚障害者対象調査による分析〜
- 教育放送の国際比較 〜教育放送国際アンケート調査による分析〜
- 視聴覚教育メディアとしてのコンピュータ -映画教育・放送教育・CAI-
- 2. 座談会『制作を振りかえって』(第I部 『メディアと教育』の制作,映像表現と学術の表現・IV-平成6年度番組制作活動からの報告-)
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- 1. はじめに(第I部 『メディアと教育』の制作,映像表現と学術の表現・IV-平成6年度番組制作活動からの報告-)
- 3. メディアとしての講師(第I部 『メディアと教育』の制作,映像表現と学術の表現・IV-平成6年度番組制作活動からの報告-)
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- III. 番組調査の系譜(映像表現と学術の表現・III-平成5年度番組制作活動からの報告-)
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- II. イメージと映像の間 : 「記号学的に」見た『記号学入門』の制作(映像表現と学術の表現・II 平成4年度番組制作活動からの報告)
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