学校運営協議会におけるジェンダーの諸相(IV 投稿論文)
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This paper explores the work of gender in School Management Committees (shortened to SMC), one of the systems which enables parents/local citizens to participate in school management and has been enacted in recent years. I draw on the data from two research projects into School Management Committees conducted by my colleagues and I; one is quantitative research based on questionnaires, and the other is qualitative data based on interviews and fieldwork in 4 primary schools in Tokyo. By analysing data, I assert that there are at least six faces of the work of gender. The Initial two points are drawn from qualitative data. First is female under-representation in members and chairs of SMCs. Second is low level contribution of female members in the discussion of SMCs. The three following points are derived from qualitative data. The third point is females' dilemma between pre-existing organisations such as PTA and SMC, based on a mismatch of organisational dominant values. Fourth, there is the attitude that takes it for granted to make female members undertake subordinate work, and if they fail, male members lay blame on females, especially mothers. Furthermore, de-valuation of routine shadow work conducted by PTA mothers was observed.
- 2011-07-15
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