教育の市場化・民営化と教育行財政 : 規制された市場と学校選択(教育の市場化・民営化を問う,I 年報フォーラム)
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'School choice' is a key word in the public compulsory school sector reform. The idea of school choice system between policy makers comes from the viewpoint of 'marketization' or 'privatization' in education. The supporters of marketisation or privatization in education criticise the public school system as bureaucratic and inflexible. They insist that only through free competition will it be possible to revitalise the public school system. On the contrary, the critics against marketization insist that marketization or privatization in education tends to destroy public education and that it differentiates and ranks schools according to social classes. In this paper, I would like to argue the following points: a) The idea of marketization or privatization in education does not mean to destroy the public education but to advocate a new form of the public education. b) Many theoretical simplifications are made by the critics against marketization in education when they criticize the idea of 'school choice'; the alternatives are parental choice of schools and participation in schooling ; 'school choice' is a denial of common education and so forth. c) 'School choice' has more potential than the advocates of marketization or privatization in education would argue. We need to evaluate this process through case studies in each system of 'school choice'.
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- 2000-10-13
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- 教育の市場化・民営化と教育行財政 : 規制された市場と学校選択(教育の市場化・民営化を問う,I 年報フォーラム)
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