- 論文の詳細を見る
The business heritage of marketing provides a useful set of concepts for guiding all organizations (Kotler and Levy, 1969). Today sport administrators are facing a new challenge concerning whether tools and concepts of marketing apply to their organizations, in both profit and nonprofit fields. What are the distinctive characteristics of sport marketing? How are sport service organizations using marketing strategy? In view of this controversy, it was the purpose of this article to describe the possible association between sport marketing and sport administration. The main findings are as follows: 1) In sport administration, a market is the set of all actual and potential sport participants (users of a sport service) and the people who influence them. The sport market defined as the set of sport consumers covers some of the sport participant markets. 2) Sport marketing deals with the organization's task from creating demand for the sport service to satisfying needs and desires of the target market. It relies on every technique to deliver the desired opportunities of sport effectively and efficiently. 3) The marketing strategy is the nucleus of the organizational strategies in sport administration and works in closer cooperation among the separate strategies. 4) The strategic sport marketing process is made up of three steps: (1) target market selection; (2) sport service adjustment; and (3) supportive marketing mix.
- 日本体育・スポーツ経営学会の論文
- 1985-04-01
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