- 論文の詳細を見る
It was the purpose of this study to investigate the effects of various methods of public relations in physical education. In procedures, a questionnaire survey was conducted among 166 students in a women's junior college. The results of the analysis performed on the data warrant the following conclusions: 1)There were significant differences among available media of public relations for the recipients of physical education service. To the people who intend to belong to a sports Club and engage themselves in continuous and organized activity, the best single means of public relations is club service itself. Personal media are the most important means to the recipients of long term program service and area service, while impersonal media are the effective means of public relations to the recipients of short term program service who do not engage themselves in a continuous activity. 2)An effective public relations calls for recognition of variety of available communication channels, including the media beyond the span of control at present. Viewed in this light, it is necessary to develop the program in public relations such as publicity, information service to opinion leaders, open house, and so on. 3)Communication spectra, as the response Sequence move progressively from ignorance to awareness, factual knowledge, desire, and finally participation in a certain physical activity, would be put to practical use in order to improve the public relations methods. According to the survey results on sports program, one of the most effective means of informing the substantial participants of sports program was through flyers. In the succeeding spectrum, personal influences become to play more important role. It should be emphasized that the effect of mouth-to-mouth communications was particularly great in the final stage of the public relations where people determine to leap over the gap between passive information and active behavior.
- 社団法人日本体育学会の論文
- 1977-07-25
- 高等学校における「よい体育授業」の因子構造およびその教師と生徒の関連性
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