24pCF-6 高移動度有機半導体の4端子トランジスタ測定(24pCF 界面デバイス,領域7(分子性固体・有機導体))
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2012-03-05
瀧宮 和男
伊東 裕
黒田 新一
田中 久暁
渡辺 峻一郎
瀧宮 和男
渡辺 峻一郎
野崎 智史
小塚 真人
山田 悠真
渡辺 峻一郎
- 21pGS-4 高移動度ジオクチルベンゾチエノベンゾチオフェン結晶性塗布膜のホール効果(21pGS 界面デバイス1,領域7(分子性固体・有機導体))
- 25aXP-3 チオフェンオリゴマーの超高速分光(超高速現象,領域5(光物性))
- Charge transfer degree and superconductivity of the incommensurate organic superconductor (MDT-TSF)(I3)0.422
- Organic Metals Based on an Asymmetric π Donor PEDT-TSF, (PEDT-TSF)_2FeX_4 (PEDT-TSF = Pyrazinoethylenedithiotetraselenafulvalene ; X = Cl, Br)
- 27pYL-8 有機伝導体(EDT-TSF)_2X(X=GaCl_4, FeCl_4)の結晶構造と物性(τ-型, および各種相転移,領域7(分子性固体・有機導体))
- 30pRB-2 不整合格子を有する有機超伝導体(MDT-TS)I_xBr_yの物性(30pRB 超伝導物質,領域7(分子性固体・有機導体))
- 27pYD-7 Dinaphthothienothiophene薄膜トランジスタのホール効果(界面・分子デバイス3,領域7,分子性固体・有機導体)
- 24pR-12 β_型BEDT-TTFとBEDT-STF塩の構造と高圧電導度
- 21pWB-4 有機不整合格子系伝導体(MDT-TS)(I_3)_の構造と輸送特性(陽ラジカル塩,単一成分系,領域7(分子性固体・有機導体))
- 27pYL-6 放射光を用いた有機不整合格子系超伝導体(MDT-TS)(AuI_2)_の変調構造の観測(τ-型, および各種相転移,領域7(分子性固体・有機導体))
- Isotropic Uniaxial Strain Effect on the Incommensurate Organic Superconductor: (MDT-TS)(AuI_2)_(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- 21aRA-4 不整合格子を有する有機超伝導体(MDT-TS)(AuI_2)_の巨大非線形伝導と自発交流発振(β,β''塩・高電場効果,領域7,分子性固体・有機導体)
- Development of New Semiconducting Materials for Durable High-performance Air-stable Organic Field-effect Transistors
- Molecular Modification of 2,6-Diphenylbenzo[1,2-b:4,5-b']dichalcogenophenes by Introduction of Strong Electron-withdrawing Groups : Conversion from p- to n-Channel OFET Materials
- 25pYF-10 不整合格子系有機伝導体(MDT-TS)I_Br_おける非線形伝導(25pYF 電荷秩序等,領域7(分子性固体・有機導体))
- Thin Film Characteristics and FET Performances of β-Octyl-substituted Long Oligothiophenes
- Synthesis and Photovoltaic Properties of Tetrathiafulvalene-Oligothiophene-Fullerene Triads
- Development and Photovoltaic Performance of Oligothiophene-sensitized TiO_2 Solar Cells
- 30pRB-1 有機不整合格子系伝導体(MDT-TS)(AuI_2)_の基底状態(30pRB 超伝導物質,領域7(分子性固体・有機導体))
- Fermi surface of the organic superconductor (MDT-ST)(I3)0.417 reconstructed by incommensurate potential
- 新規電界発光(EL)材料として嵩高いテルフェニルピリジン,トリチルフェニルピリジンおよびテルチエニルピリジンをリガンドとするイリジウム錯体
- Single-Crystal Field-Effect Transistors Based on Organic Selenium-Containing Semiconductor
- Anisotropic Three-dimensional Superconductivity of the Incommensurate Organic Superconductor (MDT-ST)(I_3)_(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- 24pYK-11 (MDT-TS)(Aul_2)_の一軸圧縮による物性(π-d系1, N-1移転,領域7(分子性固体・有機導体))
- 31p-XB-9 DMTSA-BF_4の光電子分光
- 第50回中国四国産学連携化学フォーラム
- 21aRA-4 不整合格子を有する有機超伝導体(MDT-TS)(AuI_2)_の巨大非線形伝導と自発交流発振(β,β''塩・高電場効果,領域7,分子性固体・有機導体)
- Molecular Modification of 2,6-Diphenylbenzo[1,2-b:4,5-b']dichalcogenophenes by Introduction of Strong Electron-withdrawing Groups : Conversion from p- to n-Channel OFET Materials
- Superconductivity competing with the incommensurate antiferromagnetic insulating state in the organic conductor (MDT-TS)(AuI2)0.441
- Dendrimer-Encapsulated Oligothiophenes
- 14aTM-2 有機不整合格子系超伝導体 (MDT-TSF)(I_3)_ のフェルミ面(陽ラジカル塩・ET 塩 : α型, 領域 7)
- Synthesis and Structures of Highly Conducting Charge-Transfer Salts of Selenium Containing TTM-TTP Derivatives
- Synthesis and Photovoltaic Effects of Oligothiophenes Incorporated with Two [60]Fullerenes
- 28pWL-12 ヨウ素無限鎖をもつ有機不整合格子系超伝導体(MDT-ST)(I_3)_の構造と電子状態(BETS塩・陽ラジカル塩)(領域7)
- 28pWL-11 不整合格子を持つ新規有機超伝導体(MDT-TS)(AuI_2)_(BETS塩・陽ラジカル塩)(領域7)
- 含セレン有機伝導体の最近の進歩 : 新合成法,新物質,新伝導体
- Synthesis and Structures of Neutral Crystals and Charge-Transfer Salts of Selenium Containing TMET-TTP Derivatives
- 20aXE-9 有機超伝導体 (MDT-TTF)_2(AuI_2) と (MDT-TSF)(AuI_2)_ の低温熱容量特性
- Oligothiophene/fullerene Dyads as Active Photovoltaic Materials
- 28aZA-6 ヨウ素無限鎖をもつ超伝導性有機不整合結晶 (MDT-ST) (I_3)_ の超伝導特性
- 次世代エレクトロニクス素子に向けた ナノ共役分子の開発と機能
- Preparation and Characterization of Novel Aromatic-inserted Tris-fused Tetrathiafulvalenes
- Organic Field-Effect Transistors Using Di(2-thienyl)naphthodithiophenes as Active Layers
- Microscopic Investigation of a New Two-Component Organic Conductor with Itinerant and Localized Spins : (CHTM-TTP)_2TCNQ
- Synthesis, Structures, and Properties of Two Isomeric Naphthodithiophenes and Their Methyl, Methylthio, and 2-Thienyl Derivatives ; Application to Coductive Charge-Transfer Complexes and Low-Bandgap Polymers
- Organic superconductor with an incommensurate anion structure : (MDT-TSF)(AuI2)0.44
- Dimerization Effect on the Physical Properties in New One-Dimensional Organic Conductors: (ChTM-TTP)_2AuBr_2, (ChTM-TTP)_2GaCl_4, and (ChTM-TTP)ReO_4
- ナノスケールオリゴチオフェンの合成と物性 : 導電性ポリマーモデルから分子エレクトロニクス材料へ
- Synthess, Optical, and Conductive Properties of Long Oligothiophenes and Their Utilization as Molecular Wires
- 17aWF-2 不整合アニオン構造をもつ有機超伝導体(MDT-TSF)(AuI_2)_の構造と上部臨界磁場
- Synthesis and Properties of a Series of the Longest Oligothiophenes up to the 48-mer
- 27pYX-5 新規有機超伝導体(MDT-TSF)_2X : 有機超伝導にニ量体構造は必要か
- A Novel Organic Conductor with Two-Dimensional Molecular Array by the "Edge-to-Edge" Donor Interaction
- Marginal Paramagnetic State of a One-Dimensional Half-Filled Alternating Chain in (TTM-TTP) AuI_2 : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- A Novel Organic Conductor with Three-Dimensional Molecular Array: (TM-TPDS)_2AsF_6
- ESR Investigation of Organic Conductors (DTM-TTP)(TCNQ)(TCE) and (TMET-TTP)_2(TCNQ) : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- Preparation and Photoelectrochemical Properties of Gold Electrodes Modified with [60]Fullerene-Linked Oligothiophenes
- 23aR-5 DMTSA-BF_4の構造、組成、高圧下の電気抵抗
- Raman Investigation of the One-Dimensional Organic Conductor with a Half-Filled Band,(TTM-TTP) I_3
- Structures and Electrical Properties of (EO-TTP)_2AsF_6
- Structures and Properties of (TMEO-ST-TTP)_2AsF_6
- 31p-XB-10 DMTSA-BF_4と同形構造を持つDMTTA-BF-4の電子構造
- 31p-XB-8 DMTSA-BF_4のスピン磁化率の温度依存性
- 26p-N-12 DMTSA-BF_4の相転移と電子状態
- Syntheses and Properties of 11,11,12,12-Tetracyano-2,6-anthraquinodimethane (TANT) and Its 9,10-Dichloro Derivative as Novel Extensive Electron Acceptors
- Novel One-Dimensinal Organic Conductor Based On Selenium-Containing Bis-Fused Tetrathiafulvalene Derivative, (TSM-TTP)(I_3)5/3
- Structure and Properties of (DTM-TTP)(TCNQ)(TCE) and the Related Complex
- 30p-YP-1 金属性(1:1)電荷移動塩DMTSA-BF_4のバンド構造と電子相関
- 6a-C-1 Half-filled bandの金属性電荷移動塩DMTSA-BF_4の物性
- 1:1塩(DMTSA)BF_4の高圧下における金属伝導と磁気的性質
- 非TTF系電子供与体の分子設計と電導性分子錯体の作成
- TTFを含む超分子化合物 (1996年の化学-10-)
- 29a-K-1 高伝導性1:1塩(DMTSA)BF_4の電気的・磁気的性質
- Double - Bridged Tetrathiafulvalenophanes as Novel Electron Donors : Syntheses, Structures, and Properties of Three Structural Isomers
- Double-Layered Tetrathiafulvalene as a Novel Electron Donor
- 31a-YS-4 完全酸化型伝導性錯体(DMTSA)Xの電気的性質
- Facile Preparation and Charge-Transfer Complexes of Naphtho[1,8-bc:4,5-b'c']dithiophene and 2,5-Dimethyl and Bis(methylthio) Derivatives
- 21aRA-4 不整合格子を有する有機超伝導体(MDT-TS)(AuI_2)_の巨大非線形伝導と自発交流発振(β,β''塩・高電場効果,領域7,分子性固体・有機導体)
- Molecular Modification of 2,6-Diphenylbenzo[1,2-b:4,5-b']dichalcogenophenes by Introduction of Strong Electron-withdrawing Groups : Conversion from p- to n-Channel OFET Materials
- 21aRA-4 不整合格子を有する有機超伝導体(MDT-TS)(AuI_2)_の巨大非線形伝導と自発交流発振(β,β''塩・高電場効果,領域7,分子性固体・有機導体)
- Molecular Modification of 2,6-Diphenylbenzo[1,2-b:4,5-b']dichalcogenophenes by Introduction of Strong Electron-withdrawing Groups : Conversion from p- to n-Channel OFET Materials
- Facile Preparation and Charge-Transfer Complexes of Naphtho[1,8-bc:4,5-b'c']dithiophene and 2,5-Dimethyl and Bis(methylthio) Derivatives
- Facile Preparation and Charge-Transfer Complexes of Naphtho[1,8-bc:4,5-b'c']dithiophene and 2,5-Dimethyl and Bis(methylthio) Derivatives
- 23pRL-7 高移動度低分子材料C_8-BTBTにおけるキャリアの電場誘起ESR観測(23pRL 界面デバイス1,領域7(分子性固体・有機導体))
- 24pRL-10 塗布結晶化法による有機半導体単結晶とその高移動度トランジスタ特性(24pRL 界面デバイス2,領域7(分子性固体・有機導体))
- Aminopropyl-Glucose Sequentially Grafted Mesoporous Silica Nanocomposite as a Novel Boron Adsorbent
- A Magnetic Organic Conductor Based on a π Donor with a Stable Radical and a Magnetic Anion-A Step to Magnetic Organic Metals with Two Kinds of Localized Spin Systems
- Structures and Electrical Properties of β- and θ-(BTM-TTP)_2SbF_6
- New Stable Metallic Salt Based on a Donor Molecule Containing peri-Ditellurium Bridges, TMTTeN(SCN)_
- Spectroscopic Study of Isostructural Charge-Transfer Salts:Non-metallic DMTTA-BF_4 and Metallic DMTSA-BF_4
- Metallic Properties of 1:1 Charge-Transfer Salt,Dimethyltetraselenoanthracene-Tetrafluoroborate (DMTSA-BF_4)
- 23pRL-2 高移動度有機半導休材料の孤立分子のESR解析(23pRL 界面デバイス1,領域7(分子性固体・有機導体))
- Recent Synthetic Advances of Tetrathiafulvalene-Based Organic Conductors
- Synthesis and Properties of Bis(ethyleneseleno)tetrathiafulvalene (BES-TTF) and Diselenolotetrathiafulvalene (DS-TTF) as Novel Electron Donors
- Synthesis and Properties of New Tetrathiapentalene Donors Composed of Vinylogous TTFs
- Conducting Salts Composed of Selenium Analogues of TMET-TTP
- Structures and Electrical Properties of (BTM-TS-TTP)_4PF_6
- WANTS-NEEDS-SEEDS 3次元有機トランジスタ--縦型チャネルの集積化による有機トランジスタの高性能化
- 28aTN-7 C_8-BTBTのFETデバイスにおける電場誘起ESR信号のシミュレーション解析(28aTN 界面デバイス,領域7(分子性固体・有機導体))
- 22pTG-5 ジナフトチエノチオフェンFETにおける電子輸送物性の加圧効果(22pTG 界面デバイス・有機表面界面,領域7(分子性固体・有機導体))