- 論文の詳細を見る
As the Internet has been developed in U.S.A., main persons who discuss cyber ethics consider that democracy is existence with supreme value. We have to reflect upon a problem whether it is a right way for all human beings to accept such value or not. In the modern society, if we want to probe that a certain moral judgment is legitimate or logical truth, we have to put some kind of suppositions. However, we can always deny such suppositions. Therefore, it leads to division than unity to insist that a certain moral judgment is universally true. In this article, we consider several cases to be related to a collision of the values in the Internet. The first case is a report about "enemies of the Internet." If the Internet is public property, the group that invented the Internet won't have a prior right, though the invention is worthy to praise. We cannot accept the insistence that everyone who uses the Internet should follow the sense of values of the group that invented the Internet. Therefore, the expression of "enemies of the Internet" is extremely improper. Other cases we consider here include the information leakage, the re-distribution of the information and so forth.
- 2011-10-25
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