- 論文の詳細を見る
In the Industrial Revolution steam engines reduced the value of physical labor. The workers only of the picks and the shovels were not able to live on wages that could be competed with the steam engines. The same thing can be said about the brain in the information revolution. The computer will reduce the value of brain labor. As a result, the man/woman on the street will have nothing worth to sell. We are forced to establish a society that esteems human value with buying and selling. In this paper we discuss what kind of society it is. First we consider so-called technological unemployment due to our invention of machines to save labor. Under such technological progress the increase of production is indispensable to maintain employment. But this choice is not sustainable due to the finiteness of the earth. Next we discuss an essential role of buying, selling and competition. We consider also framework of society the accumulation of wealth is no longer of high social importance. However, it will need long time so that such a society comes out, though we can find signs. Lastly we consider the signs a little more in detail. The most remarkable sign is the shift from the exchange economy to the gift culture. We discuss the labor that is valueless or transcends the price. If the market judged our labor valueless, we would rather present it to the society than to the market. It is suitable for the presentation to reward by the presentation. We need some mechanism of this sort to establish society that esteems human values with buying and selling.
- 2007-10-13
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