論点整理と今後の課題(変貌する地方分権改革と教育行政,I 年報フォーラム)
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The principle of subsidiarity and the principle of proximity are critical principles that support devolution. There underlies a complex structure containing quite versatile meanings. Both aggression and passivity inherently exist within the principle of subsidiary, so that there is a risk of fueling an even wider range of emphasis on political convenience. Therefore, it has been vital to incorporate measures that would ensure the principle of proximity to be followed through in a true sense. In the process of promoting devolution, while local independence and self-reliance have been kept as its principles, the critical challenge is how to incorporate the system that allows the "vertical" principle of subsidiarity to be highly functional. In the field of education, it must ensure equal opportunity for all students, regardless of area of residence. This can be considered as both old and new challenge to overcome. On the other hand, it has been an absolute necessity to also have a system that could strengthen the essential structure of a government narrowed in scope and secure its independence and self-reliance. This means an introduction of "horizontal" subsidiarity, and it can be categorized into three different types : i) the restructuring/merger of autonomy, ii) the consolidation of the administrative committee (the board of education) into the department of the governor, and iii) the support and involvement of the private sector. For the fundamental government and schools that form the essential part of devolution, it is necessary to carefully evaluate and determine which political measures are most suitable by examining the reality of the regional areas. As a part of the recovery and reconstruction process of the education in areas affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake in March, the government may be presented with choices, from among which mandatory action must be taken. In addition, another challenge is to assess the enforcement of control over both the vertical and horizontal shiftings of responsibility that are backed up by "appropriate allocation of roles" that underlies within devolution. It is necessary to investigate the ideal "local governance" of education that would enable it to secure enough public service and prevent the reduction of government territory (range of responsibility) as well as streamlined public space. As a lesson from this recent earthquake and nuclear disaster, in order to promote a swift recovery and reconstruction with limited remaining resources, I speculate that a school version of a BCP (Business Continuity Plan) will be developed in the field of education. When developing a meticulous support network and a functional replacement plan, it is necessary to reexamine the truth about the principle of subsidiarity that is integrated with risk management, which includes an anticipated super crisis while having the principle of proximity as its center. I look forward to the findings in regards to the future research on this issue.
- 2011-10-07
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- 嗅細胞と神経栄養因子(1998年度日本味と匂学会第32回大会)
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- ヒト味蕾におけるセロトニン及びコレシストキニン免疫陽性細胞の同定
- 鋤鼻系と性ステロイド
- 嗅粘膜における性ステロイド代謝酵素
- 小島弘道編著, 『校長の資格・養成と大学院の役割』, 東信堂, 2004年
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- 論点整理と今後の課題(変貌する地方分権改革と教育行政,I 年報フォーラム)
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- 論点整理と今後の課題(教育政策形成プロセスの変容と教育行政,I 年報フォーラム)
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